The purpose of AIM’s research program called SQuaREs (Structured Quartet Research Ensembles) is to allow a dedicated group of four to six mathematicians to spend a week at AIM in San Jose, California, with the possibility of returning in following years. A SQuaRE could arise as a followup to an AIM workshop, or it could be a freestanding activity.

AIM will provide both the research facilities and the financial support for each SQuaRE group. We solicit SQuaREs in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. Preference is given to groups which contain a mix of junior and senior researchers, and to groups which have participants from North America. SQuaREs usually meet during weeks when there are no workshops at AIM.

Proposing a SQuaRE

SQuaRE proposals can be submitted using the online proposal form. For full consideration, proposals must be submitted by November 1.

Past SQuaREs
